Our Common Future Under Climate Change

International Scientific Conference 7-10 JULY 2015 Paris, France




Organizers : Climate KIC Alumni Association, Helsinki, Finland, Uudenmaan liitto , Helsinki, Finland
Date : June 28th, from 4pm to 6pm
Location : Uudenmaanliitto, Helsinki, Finland
Expected number of participants : 1-50
Nature of participants : Climate KIC alumni, climate change experts
Keywords : climate change, Entrepreneurship, Innovation
Keynote speakers :
  • T. Sunio,
  • L. Liuksiala Aalto University School of Business, Finsolar project, Helsinki, Finland


Climate KIC Alumni Association (http://www.ckaa.eu/) is a community for more than 1000 alumni from various Climate KIC programs. The network binds together highly skilled professionals from across Europe, with a single focus: creating solutions to combat climate change through the generation of new businesses.

This side event for Our Common Future Under Climate Change brings together academics and entrepreneurs to discuss how new innovative solutions can be part of the objective in creating a low carbon development model.

Key note speakers will be invited from academic and governmental organizations to discuss what kind of strategies Finland is taking at the moment and what kind of innovative up-coming solutions are under development in science. These new potential solutions can offer new business opportunities for active and enthusiastic entrepreneurs - the Climate KIC alumni.

Confirmed key note speakers include representatives from the Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra, Aalto University School of Business (solar power project FinSolar). Potentially speakers will also include representatives from Energiaremontti (a strong grass root and lobbying movement for energy shift toward renewables), University for Helsinki and others. A maximum of four speakers will be invited.

Part of the programme will be dedicated to discussing how Finnish alumni could contribute to the approaching COP 21 and the general assembly of Climate KIC (in October 2015).

The event takes place at Uusimaa region council (Uudenmaan liitto, Finnish local organiser for the Climate KIC programmes) at 29th of June at 16 o�clock. Afterwards an opportunity for networking and innovating between entrepreneurs and scientists or governmental officials will be offered.

More information

You will find more information on this side event on the following link : TBD